November 07, 2023 18:49 / Last edited by gloryxfades over 1 year ago
Deca-Durabolin, based on the Nandrolone steroid, is one of the oldest
steroids which has stood the test of time and remains a favorite to
this day. It is one of the most popular steroid choice for a range of
reasons. Deca-Durabolin (Nandrolone) Cycle->
Test E 500mgs 1-14 Deca 400 mgs 1-12 Diol 30mgs 1-4 PCT or TRT . Sep 19, 2020 #3 Bulldog413 Well-known Member. . I'm my opinion, both deca and dbol are shit compounds. Do test,eq and anadrol/var instead. 1 Sep 20, 2020 #7 Blange89 Well-known Member. AnabolicLab. com Supporter.
Ok im currently running a Dbol masteron enanthate deca and Test E cycle this is currently what im doing let me know ur input thanks im currently doing one shot a week low dose for 20 weeks Dbol- 40mg ED for 4 weeks Masteron E- 100mg a week for 20 weeks Deca- 150mg a week for 20 weeks Test E- 200 mg a week for 20 weeks. The masteron deca n test all have fairly long half lives thats why i figure .
1 - 12 weeks test e, 600 aw, shot twice. 1-10 weeks DECA, 400 aw, shot twice 1-12 week eq, 500 aw, shot twice. 1_4 weeks 40mg DBOL ed, or start with 70 mg ed of anavar instead of the DBOL to limit the acne. . 5 mg armidex daily 500 ius twice a week. Pct, day 1-16 after last shot 1000 ius e3d if sacs not atrophied.
Test 800mg/wk Deca 400mg/wk Dbol 40mg/ed Mon and Thurs is when I will do my injections. This will be my 2nd cycle all time since gearing. I'm not sure what length I should run for this cycle and when will be the right time to start pct since from what I red deca stays in system for a long period of time (8-10 weeks from what I have gathered .
I'm taking test e- 600mg wk for 12 wks deca - 400mg wk for 11 wks d-bol-30aday for first 4 and nolva pct and as needed I was wondering if adding Equipoise to help with appetite would be wise, and if so how much. Thanks 4 the input bros.
Test E, Deca, Dbol 13 week cycle ad STATS, DESCRIPTION, GOALS Getting ready to start a 13 week cycle. here are the details I am 6'3, 255 pounds, 36 years old and 17%bf. Measurements were done on via DEXA testing.
Test E 500 1-12 Deca 400 1-12 Dbol 30mg ed 1-5. why did you do EQ and Mast when fat, just to bloat like a mofo now? deca and dbol will make you into a fucking Michelin Man. sorry for being harsh, but you take drugs you dont know, just to stack em without any logical reasoning... you did a dry stack when fat, now you are still fat and you go the .
Started my cycle today (kinda yesterday but only gonna count today as legit start) Doing 20mg dbol every day first 6 weeks. And 600mg test a week and 400mg deca. Likely will increase deca to 500 if no big sides are noticed. Also considering ramping up to 40mg Ed of dbol. Cycle will be 12 weeks total with option to extend to 16 weeks if I feel I .
Test E at 500mg/wk Nandrolone blend(300mg:100 NPP/100 Decanoate/100 undecanoate) at 600mg/wk . Then a 19-nor which is deca l. This cycle is farther superior to just test, deca , and dbol. What he can do is 12 weeks in swap out the deca for tren. The best body builders stack test, eq and deca and constantly rotate deca and tren. Test and eq is .
Jan 2, 2023 #1 So I ran Sustanon for 4 months for my first cycle ever, for a month I did 25mgs dbol pre workout, my Sust was 375mgs per week for 16 weeks, tapered off and didn't PCT, felt good as new after a short period of time and still feel great. Although I'll get labs anyways before my next cycle. Anyone else run this?
Test Deca Dbol cycle is a powerful combination of steroids that can help increase muscle growth quickly. Furthermore, a lot of bodybuilders also use Testosterone along with these steroids to get even better results. Such a stack can help stack pounds and pounds of muscle very quickly.
The recommended cycle duration for testosterone is approximately 12-14 weeks. Deca Durabolin Deca Durabolin is a nandrolone based steroid (nandrolone decanoate) that has been widely used since the 60's because of its mild side effects and a much lower rate of aromatization when compared to testosterone.
Test (usually Testosterone Enanthate) 300 mg used twice per week for 12 weeks. Total weekly dose = 600 mg. Deca (Deca Durabolin) 200 mg used twice per week for 12 weeks. Total weekly dose = 400 mg. Dbol (Dianabol) 30 - 50 mg used per day (split the total daily dose in 2-3 even doses) for only the first 6 weeks then stop.
With Test E or C you would be getting 500mg a week. IMO you cycle should have been this. 1-4 Test P @ 150mg EOD (up to you 1-4 Dbol) Tbol would be better with this cycle 1-6 tbol 1-12 Test E @ 500mg 1-12 Deca @ 300mg 12-15 Test P @ 150mg
Jul 1, 2019 #2 1) I would not run deca less than 12 weeks, as it takes a long time to reach peak concentrations. I like 14 weeks as a sweet spot and no longer than 16 weeks
Water retention from dbol is from e2. Winny will not combat that. Use ai. Deca won't even kick in until week 8. It has a long half-life. Needs minimum 16 weeks. 250 is too small a dose for anabolism/cycle. Honestly you need to do a lot more research. For your first "real" cycle I'd suggest 500 test for 16 weeks.
Regardless of your experience level, Testosterone Enanthate is usually injected once (twice) per week to maintain the best blood levels of the hormone. Beginners will consider a weekly dosage of between 250mg and 500mg which will provide exceptional anabolic effects.