Public Lab Research note


by bansal_sidharth2996 | May 19, 2018 16:07 19 May 16:07 | #16368 | #16368

When I heard I got selected in GSOC 18 with Public Labs I was jumping and dancing. That day was one of the happiest moments of my life. This post is how I get selected in GSOC with Public Labs.

Getting started with open source

First thing first, find an organization to work with:

You can search the GitHub for an organization working on the technologies you want to work on. I found Public Lab as the friendliest open source organization on the internet and started working there.

Take Baby steps:

The first timer is the most crucial step in the journey of Open Source. The developer should search across the different first timer issues and choose the one that they can solve. Fork the repository and start working. People should not hesitate about asking doubts. The trickiest part of collaborating is the first timer. Once your first pull request gets submitted and gets merged that means all is set. I myself, faced a lot of problems while handling with the first-timers. But don’t lose hope, the organization will help you. Public labs helped me a lot in solving my first timer.

Keep on contributing and keep on learning:

Learning is a continuous task. Take issue by issues. Take guidance from mentors. They are really helpful. Solve issues. Report bugs. Suggest changes. Involve in discussions and be a part of the community. Collaborate and spread the word of open source. Follow the code of conduct of the organization. Help others. Isn’t that too simple. Yes, indeed it is. What all you need to do is hard work and collaboration.

Why I chose Public Labs?

I found Public labs beginner friendly organization. You can work at your own pace. You can take help from other contributors. You can learn a lot from them. Public labs have its own chat room at where you will find amazing people. Most importantly, Public labs motivated me a lot.

About Project:

My project is about

1) Multiparty Authentication with different providers like Facebook, Twitter, Github and Google for

2) Bootstrap upgrade

Details on

Thanks a lot for reading….having a great time coding with great people at Public labs. Will be right back with other stories.


So excited about this project!!!!!

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