Public Lab Research note

Public Lab community newsletter 6.9.13

by Shannon | June 10, 2013 02:05 10 Jun 02:05 | #8141 | #8141

This week in the Public Lab community newsletter, check out the visually beautiful work being done on low cost infrared imaging, find out about the upcoming Google Summer of Code projects and view new maps in the archive. Enjoy!

  1. Google Summer of Code. We're excited to welcome three students who will be working with Public Lab mentors through Google Summer of Code. Projects will begin this month and go through the end of the summer. Check out the projects they will be working on here. You can also join in on the conversation as the summer progresses by joining the Public Lab GSoC mailing list.

  2. Infragram update. Thanks to the 1000+ people who have helped Public Lab raise $48,000 so far via Kickstarter! On Friday we announced a new reward level-- the Flight Kit, which includes an Infragram Point & Shoot plus a balloon mapping kit to lift it up to 1000 feet in the air.

  3. Mapping project updates. Michele Tobias submitted a note on mapping a farm in California, cwhite posted an update on mapping Riverside Cemetery in Asheville, NC and New York City Public Labbers led a workshop with NYU CUSP.

  4. New Maps in the Archive. Check out new maps just uploaded to the archive from seankmcginnis (Pennsylvania), TNGIC (Montgomery Bell State Park) and kiempe (Utrecht, Netherlands).

  5. Research Notes: Bee Movie II (posted by cfastie) Notes on communicative photography (posted by eustatic) Removing a Raspberry Pi camera IR filter (posted by mathew) Prototype juice bottle rig on R-10 UAir Quad (posted by patcoyle) 2 cameras or not 2 cameras (posted by cfastie) Infragram panoramas on Picture Post (posted by wward1400) Infradark (posted by cfastie) Aerial photos with a UAV and an Android phone (posted by bdiscoe)

Thanks for a great week everyone! As always, if anything was missed, please email the list, post a research note or message for inclusion in the newsletter next week.


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