Public Lab Research note

Investigating Water with Seeds

by xavcc | December 17, 2021 15:07 17 Dec 15:07 | #28507 | #28507


This research note comes at the crossroads of the following works:

You can also find a wiki page in Pubic Lab: "Bioassay"


The aim is to compile the available scientific resources on "seed bioessay tests" concerning water (tap water, river water, construction site runoff); to operate a scientific mediation to make this knowledge available to as many concerned people as possible; and finally, to design and make available a "home self-testing" protocol that is effectively reproducible and can be implemented with "the basic equipment available in a kitchen"⋅

Materiality concerns:

Publishing methods, plans, protocols under a free and open source license is not enough to facilitate the learning of a solution.
The materiality conditions, i.e. the availability of materials, the costs of these materials, the logistics of supply; access to the internet¹ and all other difficulties must be considered as serious development factors.

A person living in a Western European city can have a supermarket, a pharmacy, a school or university, a DIY store within a geographical radius of less than 10km; as well as a sufficient minimum income allowing him/her to spend several tens of euros without threatening his/her diet or access to healthcare.
This situation is not a common standard for all people, neither in Europe nor elsewhere in the world¹.

Therefore, we consider that a proposed solution that does not consider these factors seriously is not a free solution, nor a viable solution.

See also:





Culture medium

Tips! Germination rate gives a good indication of several contaminants including salt and chlorine. Make agar plates using the water and grow. One issue is high nitrogen is bad for us but good for plants so confounding variable



Do documentation!


Third party assistance & analysis

Acknowledgement and thanks

Sebastian Cocioba (Binomica Labs) ; Lula (Hackteria and Biohackersapce Montpellier (France) ; @bhamster (Public Lab)


Must Reads


Notes and References

1: One third of the world's population, or 2.9 billion people, are nt connected to the Internet − International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and UN, November 2021. This is 800 million more people than before the pandemic.


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