Question: Can NOIR camera distinguise different types of leaf?

shahdharam7 is asking a question about ndvi
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by shahdharam7 | December 17, 2021 06:29 | #28501

Image Description:

(1) RGB image taken from smarphone camera

(2) Infrared image using Blue filter

(3) NDVI of (2) using infragram toolbox

(4) Infrared image using Red filter(5) NDVI of (4) using infragram toolbox

The objective of the experiment to differentiate different types of leaf e.g. dry, wet, dried, recently picked.

It has been observed from the above experiment. NOIR camera or NDVI can not be useful to distinguish it.

Can anyone help me in differentiating different leafs as shown in (1)?


Hi, good questions!

You may want to try doing a better white balance to try to get better signal from your images:

Also, what cameras exactly are you using? knowing more about the exact camera or camera sensor can help in figuring out if they're going to be suitable for this use case.

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Hi Warren,

Thank you for your reply.

Image (2) and (4) are taken using infragram pi camera. The detailed description of the camera is mentioned in the following link.

If you can give some more information on white balancing for this particular camera, i will be very greatful.

Thanks and regards, Dharam Shah

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If you open "camera settings" on the camera page you can adjust the white balance as described here:

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