Public Lab Research note

Tagging and user accounts in MapKnitter

by warren | July 02, 2012 18:29 02 Jul 18:29 | #2694 | #2694

A couple of new features have hit MapKnitter recently -- one you may have noticed is that you can now log in at MapKnitter using your user account. This gives you "ownership" over the map, and we'll soon be letting you "lock" a map once it's done, or perhaps to moderate comments on a map or other features. Feel free to chime in on the mailing list with requests or bugs (or directly on Github)

The other feature is tagging -- if you are logged in, you can now add tags to any MapKnitter map, and we've already started doing this to allow grouping/search of, say, "pollution" maps or "infrared" maps. Hopefully this will help find maps on certain themes. Jump in and tag away, and report any bugs you find!


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