Public Lab Research note

Summary: Public Lab’s microplastics research area review

by bhamster | September 29, 2020 22:16 29 Sep 22:16 | #24675 | #24675

Image: Microplastics, by 5Gyres, courtesy of Oregon State University. CC BY SA.

The research area review we began last month on microplastics is wrapping up!

With the review, we aimed to refresh Public Lab content with resources that would help anyone find ways to monitor microplastics pollution in their community. We already had several existing comprehensive posts on tools and methods to research microplastics (many authored by @maxliboiron), so we mainly turned to sources beyond Public Lab to see what other materials might help our community.

By far, the most fruitful parts of the review process were the conversations. An international crew of people shared their time, perspectives, and knowledge of microplastics research with us, and they deserve a hearty thank you for their contributions:

In these conversations, people shared their tips, tools, and resources for community scientists interested in microplastics, related stories and experiences, gave insight into what's currently developing in microplastics research and policy, and unearthed questions that might direct where we can go next on this topic.

We also had an event! We wrapped up the research area review with a virtual, open call where we connected with each other to tell stories, uncover more questions, and give highlights of the review. Check out the summary notes here and a recording of the event here.

Stay tuned for information about our next research area review and how to get involved! We'll be looking for input on what topics to review next soon. And please comment below if you have any ideas, questions, or feedback!


@eustatic and @TestOurWaters, thanks so much for your help with the review!

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@bhamster loved this event and look forward to adding to the microplastics wiki page some notes I came across that inventories plastics policy.

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