Appalachia Barnraising 2017

##Appalachia Barnraising The Appalachia Barnraising was hosted June 24th and 25th, in Morgantown, West Virginia. The event was hosted at [West Virginia University Reed College of Media, at the Media Innovation Center]( ###Event topics Sessions that were hosted at the event included: - Aerial monitoring and surveillance - Air quality monitoring - Art and environment projects - Integrating West Virginia's assets to create a sustainable economy - Convergent design and compatibility - Unconventional partnerships and coalitions, environment and paycheck - Water quality monitoring, natural habitats and communities affected by water contamination - Kites, balloons, and cameras - Wildlife mapping - Lightning talks ###Attendees included people from: - [SWPA Environmental Health Project]( - [Southwest Pennsylvania Env. Health Project]( - [Christians for the Mountains]( - [Coal River Mountain Watch (CRMW)]( - [SkyTruth]( - [West Virginia University]( - [WVU Reed College of Media]( - [Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute]( - [Tennessee Clean Water Network (TCWN)]( - The Green Community Garden (Newark,NJ) - [WVDEP Office of Environmental Advocate]( - [Anchor Coalition]( - [Center for Coalfield Justice]( - [Appalachia Mountaintop Patrol]( Photos from the event can be found on these posts: - - ###Partners for the Appalachia Barnraising included: [![Media_Innovation_Center_Logo.jpg](]( [![AMPlogo-2-black.jpg](]( ...

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