Welcome to the main page for Public Laboratory for Los Angeles. ##Physical location for meetings for the [LA Makerspace](http://www.lamakerspace.com) citizen science group is at the Pio Pico library in Koreatown, Los Angeles 694 S Oxford Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90005 [lon:-90.100612] and [lat:29.951576] ##Citizen science projects in our community **Safecast** [Safecast radiation](http://blog.safecast.org/) - Started in response to the Fukushima meltdown, this project has led to the development and deployment of a large network of radiation monitors and the creation of a public database of radiation levels across large portions of the planet. [Safecast air](http://scienceland.wikispaces.com/SafecastAir) - The next step in the Safecast network is the creation of an air quality monitoring network which will allow anyone in the world to monitor their local air quality and check a public database with current statistics on air quality elsewhere in the world. **Global Sensor Web** The [Global Sensor Web](http://www.globalsensorweb.org/) is an online service and application which allows for the public to use a network of devices, such as mobile phones, to monitor their environment. The information gathered from these devices and their on-board sensors, such as magnetic field strength from a phone’s compass, will then be logged in an open online server in an easy to query database for both members of academia and the general public. These data sets can also be concatenated with other public geotagged data sets, such as climatic data from NOAA or seismology data from the USGS, to provide for a richer data set to look for potential patterns in nature over large geospatial scales. We are also developing an online data aggregation and analysis platform for hosting a variety of citizen science projects so anyone with a mobile device will be able to collect scientific data, and anyone with an internet connection will be able to analyze scientific data. [Distributed Electronic Cosmic-ray Observatory](http://www.globalsensorweb.org/wiki/index.php/DECO) - This project involves the use and testing of an Android app which turns the camera chips in phones into distributed cosmic-ray detectors. This project will enable users to help study the nature of rare and high energy space-based phenomena by running the application on the their phone at night. **Natural History Museum** [BioSCAN](http://research.nhm.org/bioscan/) - The Natural History Museum of Los Angeles has a well-establish group of citizen science projects. One of the newer project, BioSCAN, will monitor local climate and insect biodiversity across the LA Basin and allow for biologists to study the relationship between climate and the evolutionary trajectories of different species. **Reefquest** [Reefquest](http://www.reefquest.org) is a project to monitor the health of reef sites, and to provide the tools for citizenscientists to help with the monitoring efforts remotely. In Reefquest our dive team has captured a large number of high resolution images of target reef sites in order to measure the health of the sites from color data. This data is also being merged with remotely logged temperature data, which can be used to infer local current velocities, allowing for potential tracking of the point source pollution and elevated heat levels which are damaging to the reef ecosystem.