Public Lab Research note

New Spectral Workbench analysis interface

by warren | November 26, 2012 19:31 26 Nov 19:31 | #5020 | #5020

As the new [Capture interface for Spectral Workbench] has improved dramatically, the Analyze interface is starting to get left behind, and some of the more advanced functions such as calibrating spectra and cloning calibrations etc are not as easy as we'd like. They're also quite ugly. So although I've mostly been busy eating turkey, I did spend a little time on creating a new prototype Analysis interface for Spectral Workbench, which I hope to publish pretty soon. See above for a preview -- I'd love any feedback or suggestions!


Cool. I was wondering when we would be able to see the wavelengths written at the bottom of the graph when taking a spectra. Perfect.

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Actually you already can, if you:

a) are logged in b) do a calibration and reload the capture interface

can you not see wavelengths then?

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