Public Lab Research note

447nm Oops!

by scottvr | July 15, 2015 07:41 15 Jul 07:41 | #12069 | #12069

Careful with even the backscatter from 1000+mW

Watching my laptop screen, smelling something burning. Oops.

Ok, I'm an idiot.


:-/ whoa! you have extras, right? And if not, they are sold in the PL store. Be careful!

I don't know that type of laser -- how much does it cost?

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Yes, I have a few more slits; no worries. It was late at night and stupid of me and I just thought others might enjoy a laugh at my expense. :-)

Such a laser diode and driver can be had for less than $100 (probably far less for those with better connections than random ebay sellers) and can be stuffed in a pocket flashlight case, powered by cr123 batteries. A fun (albeit dangerous) toy!

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