Public Lab Research note

Planning for Public Lab H2S screen Experiments-Equipment

by sara | April 02, 2012 20:25 02 Apr 20:25 | #1606 | #1606

What we have/can borrow:

1) Access to a standard fume hood at URI

Concerns: Check ok to vent dilute H2S, if not add charcoal filter

2) A borrowed Glove Box that looks like this:

Concerns: This glove box due to the metal frame may be inadequate to use in these experiments at it could absorb H2S. We need to figure out the approximate volume so we can clear the glove box with the flow through gas.

3) Dasibi Model 5008 Programmable Multi-gas Calibrator Roy will lend us a gas mixer called a Dasibi 5008 see picture below:  Concerns/notes: The flow range for this mixer is 0-10 L/minute. With a maximum of 10 L/m or 10,000 cubic cm/min. Roy recommended we stay in the range of 8 L/minute so as not to push the machine to its limits. We will need to use this formula to figure out the flow rates of the gases: Concentration of span gas (flow of span gas/flow of dilution air) = final concentration Some of the metal parts may have to be replaced or by-passed to reduce exposure of H2S to metal as it flows through the system. Marked in with green lines.

4) Roy will lend use a air compressor that looks like this:

Concerns: The compressor makes some noise We will not be using purified air.

5)Roy could possibly lend us a charcoal filter.

What we need:

6) H2S in a standard mixture: Possible source: Air Gas 150 cubic ft. cylinder w/ 10 ppm or 1000 ppm H2S

Concerns: check that the cylinder is not absorbing H2S because it is metal cost cylinder could cost $300, gas could cost $300 and regulator could cost $300. Will the deliver to us at URI?

7) Calibrated monitor to check internal concentration of H2S

Possible we could borrow one Air Quality divisions Jermone meter.


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