We have several ways to participate in the Public Lab chatroom; the easiest is listed first. For other methods, scroll down! ### Basic chatroom Get started quick, no installation needed! (Open this in new window: https://chat.publiclab.org) We've bridged together a number of different chatroom systems, so you can use one you're comfortable with. (If you care, Public Lab's chatroom is run on IRC,on OFTC in the room `#publiclab`). **** ### Riot.im We also use the [Riot.im](https://riot.im) service, which is a bit more fully-featured than IRC, also in the room `#publiclab`: https://riot.im/app/#/room/#publiclab:matrix.org It includes file upload, voice chat, and notifications. This is connected to the IRC channel as well, so it's basically all the same chatroom. Riot also offers several clients for iOS and Android devices: https://riot.im **** ### Gitter Some folks participating via GitHub use [Gitter.im](https://Gitter.im), and we've also bridged that with the other chatrooms: https://gitter.im/publiclab/publiclab **** ### Adium To use IRC in Adium on a Mac, follow these steps: Opening the `#publiclab` channel in [Adium](https://www.adium.im/) (Mac): Add the account: [![Screen_Shot_2014-01-07_at_11.30.52_AM.png](https://i.publiclab.org/system/images/photos/000/002/493/medium/Screen_Shot_2014-01-07_at_11.30.52_AM.png)](https://i.publiclab.org/system/images/photos/000/002/493/original/Screen_Shot_2014-01-07_at_11.30.52_AM.png) Join the `#publiclab` channel: [![Screen_Shot_2014-01-07_at_11.34.10_AM.png](https://i.publiclab.org/system/images/photos/000/002/494/medium/Screen_Shot_2014-01-07_at_11.34.10_AM.png)](https://i.publiclab.org/system/images/photos/000/002/494/original/Screen_Shot_2014-01-07_at_11.34.10_AM.png)